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How to Implement the Weak Form for Time-Dependent Equations

September 27, 2018

Here’s a comprehensive equation-based modeling guide on how to implement the weak form for time-dependent equations, including theoretical background and step-by-step instructions.

RF Signal Transformation Between the Time and Frequency Domains

September 25, 2018

Want to make your RF and microwave device modeling more efficient? Read this blog post to learn how to implement the fast Fourier transform in your simulations.

Image Denoising and Other Multidimensional Variational Problems

September 21, 2018

Learn how to solve variational problems featuring multiple dimensions, higher-order derivatives, and multiple unknowns with a fun example: image denoising in a grainy photograph.

Studying the Peltier and Seebeck Effects in Thermoelectric Devices

September 20, 2018

We go over 2 key concepts in themoelectricity, the Seebeck and Peltier effects, and how to account for them when simulating heating and cooling in thermoelectric devices.

Methods for Enforcing Inequality Constraints

September 17, 2018

Learn 2 methods for enforcing inequality constraints in your variational problems, the Lagrange Multiplier method and Augmented Lagrangian method, as well as the theory behind them.

Optimizing the Performance of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna

September 13, 2018

Dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) have a storied history that began in the 1800s. Today, they are used in satellite, radio, and nanophotonics, and even show potential in 5G communications.

Methods for Dealing with Numerical Issues in Constraint Enforcement

September 11, 2018

This post is helpful if you use equation-based modeling: Learn a variety of different methods for dealing with numerical issues when enforcing constraints in variational problems.

Evaluating a Schottky Diode with a Semiconductor Benchmark Model

September 10, 2018

We present a model of a Schottky diode with benchmarked results, validating the use of simulation to analyze the performance of semiconductor devices.